
UNHRD redefines corporate social responsibility (CSR) by using blockchain technology to increase transparency and efficiency in CSR initiatives globally. Our platform leverages Ethereum and L2 Chains to enable real-time tracking of contributions and direct impact visibility, ensuring that donations reach their intended targets with minimal overhead.

Key Features

Ethereum Blockchain Integration

We're built on the on Base, a L2 of the Ethereum blockchain. It's known for its secure, decentralized capabilities which are essential for handling complex transactions and smart contracts across different sectors.

Smart Contracts

We utilize self-executing contracts that automatically handle the distribution of funds based on pre-set criteria, ensuring that donations are only released when specified conditions are met.

Layer 2 Scaling Solutions
Faster Transactions

UNHRD's protocol on Base enhances transaction speeds and reduce costs, while still maintaining Ethereum’s security and decentralization benefits.

Increased Capacity

Supports a higher volume of transactions, crucial for large-scale global CSR initiatives.

Tokenization of Funds
Auditable Tracking

Each donation is tokenized into a smart contract, creating a clear, immutable record of how funds are disbursed and utilized.

Direct Allocation Capacity

Funds are directly sent to verified recipients, significantly reducing administrative costs and delays typically associated with traditional CSR contributions.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
Privacy with Transparency

ZKPs allow the platform to verify the completion of transactions without revealing any sensitive data, thus protecting the privacy of donors and recipients while maintaining transparent records.

User Interface (UI) Design
Intuitive Design

The UI is designed to be user-friendly for all stakeholders, including corporate donors, foundations, philanthropists, and non-profit organizations.

Easy Onboarding

Simplifies the registration and onboarding process for new users, enabling them to quickly start managing or contributing to CSR initiatives.

Real-Time Dashboards

Users can monitor their contributions and see the direct impact of their donations through visual dashboards that display real-time data.

Global Reach and Accessibility
Cross-Border Contributions

Facilitates international donations without the need for traditional banking, using cryptocurrencies to enable seamless, borderless transactions.

Multi-Currency Support

Accepts various cryptocurrencies, broadening the accessibility for donors from different geographic locations.


Secure Wallet Management:

Our platform ensures the highest level of security for fund management through the use of multi-signature wallets and regular audits by Certik.

Secure Wallet Management: Our platform ensures the highest level of security for fund management through the use of multi-signature wallets and regular audits by Certik.

Wallet Security: We adhere to stringent security standards for managing wallets. Certik Audits: Our security compliance is verified by regular audits conducted by Certik.

Token and Wallet Management:

We utilize OpenZeppelin's industry-leading tools to manage tokens and wallets, offering robust security features.

OpenZeppelin Tools: We leverage the powerful security features of OpenZeppelin for token and wallet management.

Periodic Audits: Our token and wallet management systems undergo regular audits to ensure ongoing security.



We guarantee complete visibility into fund usage through periodic transparency reports and public transaction records on the blockchain.

Transparency Reports: We publish detailed transparency reports on a regular basis.

Blockchain Records: All transactions are publicly recorded on the blockchain, ensuring full transparency.

Security and Compliance

User Experience

For Donors

  • Register and create a profile.
  • Browse ongoing CSR initiatives and select causes to support.
  • Contribute via direct blockchain transactions.
  • Receive real-time updates and detailed reports on fund usage and impact.

For Nonprofits

  • Easy registration and profile setup.
  • Submit proposals to CSR initiatives
  • Contribute via direct blockchain transactions.
  • Provide updates and accountability reports through the platform.

For Companies

  • Manage company CSR profiles and initiatives.
  • Set up and oversee smart contracts for corporate giving.
  • Track employee engagement and contributions.
  • Generate compliance and impact reports for stakeholders.